Stump Grinding Will Get Rid Of An Old Stump No Matter How Big It Is And Eliminate The Roots Too

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Stump Grinding Will Get Rid Of An Old Stump No Matter How Big It Is And Eliminate The Roots Too

It's a good idea to remove an old tree stump from your yard so it isn't an eyesore or a pest magnet. At one time, it was fairly common to see stumps in yards because the stumps were so hard to get rid of. However, stump grinding makes stump removal easy. It can even remove roots. It could take many years for a big stump to decay on its own, so you may want to consider having it ground away. Here are things to know about stump grinding.

The Cost And Time Required Depends On The Size

As you might imagine, a big stump costs more to grind away than a small one. However, the stump grinding service can grind up a stump no matter how big it is. The saw doesn't have to envelop the stump. Instead, it's placed along the side to slowly chew away at the wood. A big stump might take hours to get rid of, while a small one might only take several minutes.

Stumps Are Ground Several Inches Below The Soil

The stump disappears from the surface of your lawn, and the grinder gets rid of roots below the surface too. The stump grinding service might let you choose how deep you want the grinding done depending on what you plan to do with the space. If you'll plant another tree in the area, you'll want the grinding done as deeply as possible to eliminate all the roots.

Deeper grinding might cost more, so you may want to keep the grinding shallow if all you'll plant is grass over the area. The contractor can help you decide what's best for your lawn.

The Contractor Protects Your Property

Before the grinding work begins, the contractor might hang thick tarps over the windows and doors on your home that are close to the stump. Debris can fly through the air and hit your home or car. If the debris is a rock, glass could be broken. Your contractor might use some sort of a shield system made of plywood or tarps to control flying debris. This keeps down on the mess associated with grinding and protects your property from damage.

Filling The Hole And Cleaning Up Are Last

Once the grinding work is done, you'll be left with a big hole in your yard and you might also have a lot of wood shavings and chips scattered around. You'll want to know if the contractor finishes the job by filling the hole and cleaning up or if you need to do the work yourself.

It's important to fill the hole with soil. Some chips might be added too, but the chips will rot and a depression will probably form in your yard unless the hole is packed with soil too.

Besides filling the hole, the contractor may need to rake or blow the debris out of your lawn and clear your sidewalk so your yard looks tidy. They might even plant grass seeds if you desire the service. If there is a lot of mulch left, the contractor might bag it up and haul it off unless you want to use it for something around your property.

For more information, contact a company such as Coen & Sons Services Inc.

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Construction Workers, Contractors, and Their World Over the years, we have hired numerous contractors to work on our home. We hired drywall hangers to hand drywall in our newly finished basement. We hired painters to paint our upstairs bedroom, and we've had plumbers come fix our pipes more times than we can count. At some point, we became curious, and we wanted to learn more about the world of these contractors. We then spent many months reading and researching the industry before realizing that was not quite enough. We wanted to write about the industry, too! So, that's how this blog got started. We hope it brings you as much knowledge as it has brought us.

