FAQs About Residential Insulation

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FAQs About Residential Insulation

Did you invest in a new HVAC system, but it is still difficult to reach the desired temperature in your home? The HVAC system might not be the problem, especially if you purchase a system that is designed to be energy efficient. The reason your HVAC system is not reaching the correct temperature is possibly related to there being insufficient insulation in your home. Depending on when your home was last insulated and when it was constructed, the insulation might be old and unsafe. You need help from an insulation contractor to assess the condition of the insulation in your home and install new insulation if it is necessary.

What Makes Old Insulation Dangerous?

Not all types of old insulation materials are harmful to your health, but it is still important to get the insulation inspected just in case. For example, if your home is historic and has never been renovated with new insulation, it is possible that the materials contain asbestos. If it is determined that the insulation in your home has asbestos, you will have to leave while it is removed due to the health risks involved. When asbestos gets into the air, it can be inhaled and increase the risk of you developing lung cancer. Removing insulation that contains asbestos has to be done in a specific way to keep the environment safe.

How Should New Insulation Be Chosen?

The most ideal way to choose insulation for your home is to opt for the highest R-value. The higher the R-value is, the more resistance your home will have against heat. You should also base the insulation choice on the number of benefits you will enjoy. For example, spray foam insulation is a good option because it can reduce noise levels, humidity, and the risk of mold growth. Discuss your desires with an insulation contractor and they will explain the most ideal insulation materials for your home.

Will Walls Be Destroyed During Installation?

Installing new insulation in your home will require walls being destroyed to a certain extent. However, the amount of destruction depends on the insulation material chosen. For example, only small holes are made when spray foam insulation is installed in walls. The holes can also be repaired in a speedy manner, which will be done by the insulation contractors. Learn more about the installation process by speaking to an insulation contractor, as they can answer any questions that you have in mind.

Contact an insulation contractor for more information. 

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Construction Workers, Contractors, and Their World Over the years, we have hired numerous contractors to work on our home. We hired drywall hangers to hand drywall in our newly finished basement. We hired painters to paint our upstairs bedroom, and we've had plumbers come fix our pipes more times than we can count. At some point, we became curious, and we wanted to learn more about the world of these contractors. We then spent many months reading and researching the industry before realizing that was not quite enough. We wanted to write about the industry, too! So, that's how this blog got started. We hope it brings you as much knowledge as it has brought us.

